3 Reasons to Microchip Your Pets

3 Reasons to Microchip Your Pets

Being responsible for a pet can be tough, and as a parent we’re always looking for the best solutions to make it more convenient. That’s why gadgets like automatic feeders and pet cameras are becoming all the rage, and we’ve got something new to add that list. The Pet Microchip. What is a pet microchip? A pet microchip is a …

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe

For many of us, being a pet parent doesn’t seem too different from being a parent to a human child. Just as children do, our fur babies look to us for nourishment, love and shelter, and we want to ensure that we can provide that for them. While nourishment doesn’t seem incredibly complicated and our love for them is far…

5 Steps to Bottle Feeding a Kitten

5 Steps to Bottle Feeding a Kitten

Whether you are looking after orphaned kittens or the runt of a litter, bottle feeding may become necessary somewhere down the line. If you have never bottle-fed a kitten before, it may seem intimidating, however, with a little time and experience, it becomes an easy task. To make things a little easier for you, here’s everything you need to know…

5 Ways to Look After The Weakest Kitten

5 Ways to Look After The Weakest Kitten

So you’ve gone through the stages of finding out your cat is pregnant, birth and now, finally, actually meeting the kittens. While the last stage is definitely the most exciting one, it is also vital that you keep a close eye on the kittens during this time. This, of course, is mainly to keep an eye out for the weakest…

9 Ways to Tell if Your Cat is Pregnant

9 Ways to Tell if Your Cat is Pregnant

So you got a cat, kept talking about how you needed to get her neutered, forgot, never did, and now you’ve just seen her walking around with your neighborhood’s Tom- which brings you here, frantically searching for the signs of feline pregnancy. It happens to the best of us. More often than not, feline pregnancy can be a complete surprise-…

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