6 Human Foods That Dogs Can and Cannot Eat

Dog lovers have a reputation for being generous and caring. Sharing our hearts, homes, and even the foot of our beds with our furry friends is a wonderful thing. There can’t be anything wrong with giving our dogs some of our favorite human meals, can there? The answer is no. People’s favorite meals, such as fruits and vegetables, can do…

Our 5 Step Guide to Help Overweight Dogs

Most of the time, it’s a pleasure to share interests with our dogs, such as hiking, beach walks, or nice cuddling time on the couch. Unfortunately, we have terrible habits in common, and it turns out that our dogs are just as prone to obesity as we are. A few additional kilograms on your dog can have major health consequences,…

Everything you Need to Know about Cat Flu

Cats are eternally on great adventures, and a feat faced by many of our little wanderers is coming across cat flu. What is cat flu? Think of cat flu as the sniffles of the feline world- it is a common illness that affects the upper respiratory tract, and can be caused by infectious agents like viruses and bacteria. What causes…

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